Padron Damaso N15
$32.12 – $642.39
Padron Damaso N15
The Padron Damaso N15 is a premium cigar produced by Padron Cigars, a renowned cigar maker based in Nicaragua. The Damaso line is unique for Padron in that it features a Connecticut-seed wrapper grown in Nicaragua, which is a departure from the company’s typically rich and flavorful Maduro and natural wrappers.
The Padron Damaso N15 is a larger format cigar, measuring 6 inches in length with a ring gauge of 52. The cigar features a blend of aged Nicaraguan tobaccos, including a creamy and smooth Connecticut-seed wrapper that is light in color.
The cigar is handmade by skilled artisans using traditional techniques, and it is designed to provide a milder smoking experience than other Padron offerings. It features notes of cream, cedar, and a subtle sweetness, with a smooth and pleasant finish.
It is an excellent choice for cigar enthusiasts who prefer a milder smoking experience without sacrificing the quality and craftsmanship for which Padron is known.
Additional information
Quantity | Single, 5 Cigars, Box of 20 Cigars |
Brand | Padron |
Ring Gauge | 52 |
Length | 6 |