Cigar Chief Monthly Subscription Box


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The Cigar Chief Subscription Box includes 5 hand-picked premium cigars including at least 1 Cuban cigar.

July Bonus Offer: 1 in every 10 boxes includes an ultra-premium cigar upgrade!

Cigar Chief’s Monthly Subscription Box

Cigar Chief’s official monthly subscription box. In every box, you will find 5 premium cigars we have hand-picked for the month, including at least 1 Cuban cigar. Your subscription box comes in custom-printed packaging featuring Mohawk-inspired designs.

Your subscription is renewed on the first day of each month and will feature new cigars in each monthly box. Start your subscription and discover great new cigars together. The Cigar Chief Monthly Subscription Box is an excellent way to sample new cigars monthly.

See our FAQ product tab for more subscription details.

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Cigar Chief Monthly Subscription Box